Monday, June 24, 2013

Reviews - Tokyo Marui AK74Su (video)

Only just got this yesterday from Firesupport so not had change to skirmish with it yet. As soon as i saw it i knew i had to have one, i have had a a TM AK74MN and liked that but it was just to long for my skirmish style.

Anyways on opening the box i was happy straight it looked fantastic, all the metal has a dull black finish (which i prefer to my Kalash version). My only worry was the fake wood foregrip and to be honest the finish on it isn't bad at all. But it just does not feel the same and gives it a plasticky feel at the front, i really think that after TM spent so much time on the metal body they should have gone the whole hog and fitted real wood (anyways i am going to try and make some or mod a set i have).

Next step was to charge a battery and give it a go, the battery goes in the foregrip just like on their MN version so you need to make sure you have enough wire on it so it fits correctly.

I tested this using my chrono and on average using .20's it was doing 298fps, very reasonable for a TM and more than adequate for me. Next i tested the RPM which came in at around 750rpm, not the fastest but still reasonable on a 8.4v mini.

The thing i liked most about it was the blowback and recoil it maybe me but it felt stronger and louder on the MN, i put this down to the SU you been shorter and lighter than the MN.

Below are some photo's i have taken and hopefully a video of the blockback if it works.

Any questions just and i will try and answer them best i can.

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