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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Review: Tokyo Marui - HK 416D Devgru

Please Strike that Subscribe for more Videos Tokyo Marui DEVGRU Custom HK416D Recoil Shock AEG - Electric Blowback powered by Future generation New Variation 2 RECOIL SHOCK AEG System Gearbox - Light weight aluminum Receiver - CNC Light weight aluminum 230mm RAS Handguard With Foregrip (Elevation: 120mm). - 10.4 inch Outer Barrel With 65mm Flash hider/ 152mm Silencer. - Steel Flip-up Front View and also Flexible Back View. - Polymer made Non-Slip...

Thursday, July 30, 2015

650fps Sniper - High Custom Well MB04

Short video and Chrono results for my newly finished Well Mb04 sniper rifle. " Please be careful when building your own gun " I did the shooting at my parents where they have lots of garden I didn't have my camera with me so just took some shots on my phone. If requested I'll do a shooting video.   The chrono results:  654.1 652.3 652.9 653.4 654.1 Parts -  Barrel Madbull Python v2 6.3 ASP2 Trigger box - Laylax PSS2 Piston - Laylax Purple Cylinder Head - Laylax  Cylinder - PDI Black  Bolt Handle - ASPUK...

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Video - HWS Remington 1858 New Model Army

Remington 1858 HWS Remington 1858 Not so much a written review at the moment (there is a fantastic one currently on this is more of a hands on video, which to my knowledge is the only footage of one on the internet! I'll be adding annotations in the next day or so for those who are interested.  Anyway, enjoy:&nbs...


TOKYO MARUI GLOCK 17 3RD GENERATION GAS BLOWBACK AIRSOFT PISTOL (STOCK) REVIEWREVIEW INDEX Review introduction1.1: Purpose1.2: Background1.3: Introduction1.4: Purchase Tokyo Marui Glock 17 3rd Generation Gas Blowback Airsoft Pistol (Stock) Review2.1: First impression2:2: Appearance2.3: Features2:4: Performance2:5: Accuracy2:6: Conclusion Review introduction 1.1: PurposeThe purpose of this review is to write an unbiased, objective and detailed...

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Reviews - VFC UMP .45 GBB

This is my initial review of the VFC UMP .45. While I have had this particular GBBR since May, events have transpired against me actually using it for a while which I will detail below. Many folks have been looking at VFC's second SMG GBB offering with great trepidation considering the whole mess with their gas powered MP5. I was initially not keen on the VFC UMP, but my brother overseas told me to buy one for him so...

Reviews - PTW clones( DTW A&K etc)

As everyone knows using a TW gets you the girls, other men envy you, pregnant woman go into labour in your presence and you could have joined a leet SF unit but your dear old mum has a bad back and you couldn't leave her to fend for herself whilst you traveled the world killing bad guys. One of the downsides of the TW platform, up to this date, has been the high price. The original PTW is over £1100, the CTW is in the £600-£800 quid range...